The first and foremost purpose of EFPN is to further God's Kingdom through prayer. God gave us a vision in 2006 to help people to pray effectively and with fervency. The Bible instructs us to pray for one another that you may be healed. (James 5:16) Because of God's love and the sacrifice Jesus Christ made on the cross, we can ask anything in His name. (John 14:14)
Prayer changes things! Far too often the prayer needs of people are forgotten. They may ask once for prayer and we may never know the results. At EFPN, we want to help change that. The ability to place a request, update that need, and see how it was answered does just that. And this is our heart for you: to see how God can move greatly in the lives of others. (Lev. 26:8)
This is just the beginning of a bigger vision God has for EFPN. He has given us many plans for the future, and we invite you to join us. It is our prayer to watch God move powerfully through you and your own prayer network.
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